
How To Write Money In Spanish

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No matter where you are in the world, money is a cardinal part of human life, and Spanish-speaking countries are no exception. Thus, learning how to talk nearly coin is a vital Spanish linguistic communication skill. In addition, learning a few of the numerous terms for money in Castilian slang can help the speaker speak like a truthful hispanohablante.

  1. one

    Utilize "dinero" for "money. " If you lot only learn one Spanish discussion for money, make sure it's this one. "Dinero" is a very full general term for the concept of money that is recognized in virtually all Spanish-speaking cultures.

    • "Dinero" is pronounced "dee-NEH-doe." Note that the r makes a audio that'due south very near to the English d sound in "ladder." Do this by flicking the tip of your tongue towards the roof of your oral cavity equally you lot pronounce the r.[1] To be articulate, the last syllable should not audio like the English discussion "row."
  2. two

    Use "moneda" for "coin. " This sounds like the English word "money," but it's only used for metal coins. Don't use it for paper money.

    • Use the plural form ("monedas") for "coins."
    • "Moneda" is pronounced "moe-NEH-thah." Note that the d at the stop of the word is very delicate. It should audio similar to the English soft thursday sound (as in "the").[two]


  3. three

    For "newspaper money," use "papel moneda. " This is a little confusing because "moneda" by itself means "coin," not "money." Yet, in this case, the meaning of the phrase is for paper bills — not metal coins.

    • This phrase is pronounced "pah-PEHL moe-NEH-thah." "Pah" has a brusk a sound (as in "raw"), while "pehl" uses a sound that's a little like a cross between east (as in "ruddy") and a (every bit in "pay"). If you tin't get it, just say "pale." "Moneda" is exactly the aforementioned every bit above.
  4. four

    For "cash," say "efectivo. " You'd employ this similarly to how you'd use "cash" in English. In other words, utilise it to depict when you're using concrete money and not a debit card or check.

    • This is pronounced "eh-FEHK-tee-voe." The commencement two syllables use the a/e sound from "papel" above.
    • If y'all want to talk near someone paying for something in cash, use the phrase "pagar en efectivo." For instance "She pays in cash" is "Ella paga en efectivo."[3]
  5. 5

    Employ "dólar" for "dollar. " This is a handy discussion to know when y'all're trying to exchange your money for the local currency.

    • "Dólar" is pronounced "DOE-ladr." The r at the end of the discussion has a pronunciation that'due south a little tricky for English language speakers. It's a trivial like a very short, delicate d sound followed by an English language r. To get an example, try pronouncing "ladder" past using a quick flick of the tongue for the "dd."
    • If you want to clarify which state's dollars you're using, utilize the word for people from that land after "dólar." For example, "U.S. dollar" is "dólar estadounidense."
  6. 6

    Know the proper noun of your country'south currency. Spanish-speaking countries accept a broad range of different currencies. Knowing the local currency in the country you're visiting will make many conversations a lot easier. Below is a partial list — for a consummate one, click here.[four]

    • Espana: El euro (ay-OO-doe)
    • Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and more than: El peso (PAY-so)
    • Costa rica and Republic of el salvador: El colón (co-LOAN)
    • Puerto Rico: El dólar estadounidense (DOE-ladr eh-stah-doe-oo-nee-DEN-say)
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  1. one

    Use "plata" for money. This is a very common slang term throughout the Spanish-speaking world. The literal pregnant is "silver," but y'all can use it nigh exactly like you lot'd use "dinero."

    • "Plata" is pronounced "PLAH-tah." Both syllables use a short a sound, but "plah" rhymes more than with the English give-and-take "raw" and "tah" with "the."
  2. 2

    Use "pasta" for money. This is another common slang word. "Pasta" is the Spanish word for "dough," "paste," or "pulp" (plus the Italian noodles). You can use information technology basically like y'all'd use "dough" in English language.

    • "Pasta" is pronounced near exactly like the English word "pasta" — "PAHS-tah."
    • "¡Suelta la pasta!" ("Great-tah lah PAHS-tah") ways essentially "Gimme the dough!" This is a somewhat rude way to ask for coin — it's what a banking company robber might say to the teller.
  3. 3

    Utilize "harina" for money. "Harina" is literally "flour" (like y'all'd apply for baking), but you tin can use it as a slang term for money like "pasta." This term is pop in Costa Rica and elsewhere.[5]

    • "Harina" is pronounced "ah-DEE-nah." Note that the h at the kickoff of the word is silent.
  4. 4

    Use "mosca" for money. This literally ways "fly" (the insect). It's another term that's popular in Costa Rica.

    • "Mosca" is pronounced "MOE-scah."
  5. 5

    Apply "divisa" for international coin. This term is popular in Cuba.[vi] Information technology specifically refers to foreign money — not the money used in Cuba itself. The meaning is roughly "badge" or "emblem."

    • "Divisa" is pronounced "dee-VEE-sah."
  6. 6

    Apply "feria" for "coins" or "change. " This is a term used in Mexico.[7] It literally means "fair" (every bit in a festival or carnival). You'd use it to describe loose metal coins — not paper money.

    • "Feria" is pronounced "FEH-dee-ah."
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  • Question

    How do I say: "I've got money in the bank" in Spanish?


    Y'all would say: "Tengo dinero en el banco." "Tengo" means "I have", and "el banco" is "the depository financial institution".

  • Question

    How do I say "I've got that money" in Spanish?

    Community Answer

    Tengo ese dinero.

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    How do I say "5 hundred dollars" in Castilian?

    Community Answer

    "Quinientos dolares."

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  • The slang terms higher up are just a few examples. Like English, at that place are dozens and dozens of ways to say "money" in Spanish. A thorough list tin be found here.[eight]

  • Listening to clips of actual Spanish Speakers say these words can be a great assist when it comes to learning their pronunciations. Sites like have vast collections of audio samples — for instance, here is Forvo's page for "dólar."[9]

  • Beneath are a few helpful money-related phrases:

    • Where is the bank?: "¿Dónde está el banco?"
    • Where is the ATM machine?: "¿Dónde está el cajero?"
    • Where is the bureau of change?: "¿Dónde está la oficina de cambiar dinero?"
    • What is the exchange rate?: "¿Qué es la tasa de intercambio?"
    • Where can I exchange the money?: "¿Dónde puedo cambiar (el) dinero?"
    • How much is $1 worth?: "¿Cuánto vale un dólar estadounidense?"

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Commodity Summary Ten

To say "money" in Spanish, use the full general term "dinero," pronounced "dee-NEH-doe." For metal coins, use "moneda" which is pronounced "moe-NEH-thah." A handy give-and-take to know when you're exchanging coin is "dólar" for "dollar," which is pronounced "DOE-ladr." For slang terms for "money," y'all can apply "plata" in the same way you would use "dinero," and it's pronounced "PLAH-tah." Alternatively, use "pasta," pronounced "PAHS-tah," the same way you would use "dough" in English. For more tips, including how to say "coin" in countries like Costa Rica, continue reading!

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